Risk Factors and Treatment Options for DVT
Risk Factors and Treatment Options for DVT

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a condition in which blood clots can accumulate in the body’s prominent veins. While anyone can undergo this condition, some people are at an increased risk of developing it. Let us discuss the risk factors of and treatment options for deep vein thrombosis.

Risk factors
It is common to observe the occurrence of deep vein thrombosis in people over the age of 50. There are some people who are at a higher risk of developing DVT. They include:

  • People who are obese and overweight
  • Women who are pregnant and those who are in the initial six weeks of postpartum
  • People who have a genetic history of DVT
  • People who have undergone treatment and have a catheter in their veins
  • People who have an injured vein
  • Patients who have recently undergone a surgery
  • People who are receiving any form of hormone therapy or consuming birth control medicines
  • People who have a regular habit of smoking. The risk intensifies if they are overweight.
  • People who remain in a sitting position for longer periods
  • Patients involved in a fracture to the area around the pelvis, hip, or thighs

Treatment options
In most cases, deep vein thrombosis is treatable with the right diagnosis and treatment. There are several treatment options available. However, the doctor will suggest one that best manages  the signs and symptoms that you may be experiencing:

  • In most cases, the doctor will use a blood-thinning agent like heparin or warfarin. This will help dissolve the collection of clots in the veins and prevent other clots’ formation.
  • Depending on the case, the doctor may even recommend the use of compression stockings.
  • Depending on the cause, the doctor may recommend making several lifestyle changes, such as staying physically active.
  • For people who are used to smoking, quitting smoking can be of immense help to keep the condition from recurring.
  • In cases wherein blood thinners do not produce satisfactory results, the doctors may use an inferior vena cava filter, which prevents the clot(s) from progressing to the lungs. It is inserted into the inferior vena cava.

Deep vein thrombosis can turn into a life-threatening condition. Hence, it is essential to identify its presence, and understand the risk factors and treatment options for the same.

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