4 Useful Nutrition Tips for ADHD
4 Useful Nutrition Tips for ADHD

Although there is no diet specific for patients with ADHD, several sources have claimed an association between certain types of foods and reduction the of symptoms of ADHD. These foods have a direct impact on concentration and energy levels. Therefore, what ADHD patients eat can have a direct impact on their condition. Read on to know more about four nutrition tips for ADHD.

  • Proteins are important for the functioning of the brain
    Foods that are rich in protein can have positive effects on the symptoms of ADHD. So, one of the useful nutrition tips for ADHD is to add foods such as beans, low-fat dairy products, nuts, and soy to your diet. The protein supply from these foods will be used by the body to produce neuro-transmitters. These are chemicals that are released and used by the brain cells to establish communication. Having a protein-rich diet also helps in preventing rising blood sugar levels in the body, which is associated with impulsiveness and hyperactivity.
  • Add more complex carbohydrates
    Just like proteins, having complex carbohydrates in the body can prevent spikes in blood sugar levels. Carbohydrates keep you full for a longer time, which stops you from snacking on high-sugar foods. Additionally, when you eat complex carbohydrates before bedtime, they boost sleep quality. Add vegetables, fruits, bread and pasta made of whole-grain, beans, lentils, and brown rice to your diet.
  • Add  more vitamins and minerals to your diet
    Some studies link ADHD with having a micronutrient deficiency. These included vitamins D and B-6, zinc, magnesium, and iron. But it is still not clear if the deficiency of these nutrients leads to the development of ADHD, and if increasing, these can fight symptoms of ADHD. However, these nutrients are still important for the body, and eating foods loaded with these nutrients will only keep one healthy. These nutrients can be found in tofu, kidney beans, nuts, beans, almonds, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, spinach, potatoes, peanuts, and fortified foods.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are essential 
    Your diet must contain Omega-3 fatty acids since they have an important role to play in regulating the health of the brain and heart. Omega-3 levels are found to be lower in children suffering from ADHD. According to some researches, having more Omega-3 fatty acids can help in improving the symptoms of ADHD to some extent. Add the following foods to your diet to get more Omega-3s: Flax seeds, walnuts, and chia seeds.

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